
What's your Sensitive Strength Archetype?
As a highly sensitive person (HSP), you were born with inherent strengths that you can learn how to leverage as a SUPERPOWER in your daily life. Through proudly embodying our unique strengths as HSP, we can become amazing leaders, healers, and creators in the world.
There are five prominent strengths that HSPs possess which we call the Sensitive Strength Archetypes.
What's your Sensitive Strength Archetype? Take the quiz to find out!

What's your Sensitive Shadow Archetype?
Identify your Sensitive Shadow Archetype (AKA the sneaky internal beliefs that are stopping you from being your most confident self) and you'll get a mini-training on how to start working through this!

What's Your HSP Relationship Archetype?
Discover the way unhealed sensitivity is sabotaging your relationships. Along with your results, you'll get a free mini-training with tips to support you.