Outline drawing of a hand with crystals and sparkles floating on strings tied to the thumb and index finger.


Free Resource!

Sensitive Soul REWIND!

A 5-episode private podcast where I'm taking you behind-the-scenes my five years in business to give you five action steps YOU can take to go from being a dreamer to having the dream business impacting thousands of people.

Screenshot of a message that says
Screenshot of a message that says
Screenshot of a message that says

Learn how to build a business that takes into account your sensitive nervous system. This offering is perfect for you if you're in the MID-stages of your business. You have the foundations laid, but you're ready to GROW!

Learn more about Sensitive Soul Business Society
Alissa smiling and sitting at a table outside, working on her laptop.
Illustration of a pink and coral notebook with sparkles.

Sensitive Soul Startup School

You've got a story to tell. You have a deep desire to help others. But, you don't even know where to begin...

Dive into your Startup School journey!

 In this program, we'll be diving into...

  • Getting clear on your offer and how you can uniquely help others through your own lived experience!
  • Showing up consistently online (with a major focus on how to do this when it feels like no one is listening, as well as how to be yourself if you're afraid of being judged!)
  • Nervous system regulation and using triggers as growth (this is KEY, especially for highly sensitive entrepreneurs)
  • Selling authentically online in a way that doesn't feel icky
  • Attracting your first five clients! 

An intimate business mastermind container for kind-hearted, passionate Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs who do meaningful work and care about making a positive impact on the world. 

Learn more about the Mastermind and apply!
Alissa in a white dress standing outside against a background of mountains and desert.

Start your journey today

Sensitive Soul Startup School
The Soulful HSP Business Mastermind

We're seeing so many amazing transformations...

Mini Courses & Masterclasses

Sensitive & Social Masterclass
Sensitive & Worthy Workshop
Sensitive & Soulful Sales
HSP Business Masterclass Bundle