A hand brushes through a field of brightly colored pink wild flowers

13. Two Mindset Shifts to Try When You're Anxious | The Sensitive & Soulful Show

anxiety highly sensitive hsp podcast Nov 30, 2021

We like to make life harder than it needs to be, don't we? We tend to overthink, overachieve, and over-stress. But what if it could all be easy?!

In this episode, I get a little vulnerable and share some of my current struggles and how I'm handling them. From breaking down after an interaction with a neighbor to holiday stress, it can feel like too much. But with these two simple questions, you can change your outlook on life (at least on a small scale). But what's so amazing is that these small shifts build into a life that is easy and fun.

It's all in your hands my fellow HSPs.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • What to ask yourself when life seems hard.
  • Why it's important to move through the day with ease.
  • Giving yourself grace.

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