103. How to Stop Taking Everything So Personally (Re-air: December 2021) | The Sensitive & Soulful Show
Aug 15, 2023This one's too good not to re-share! Originally published December 28th, 2021.
When every weird look, snide remark, or unfriendly punctuation in a text can cause us to go into a tailspin - it's easy to see that we may take things a little too personally.
Because we are constantly taking in more information than others, we tend to notice every mood change or every slight difference in a person's communication which causes us to feel as if things are our fault or direct at us.
But ready for some ground breaking news?!
9 times out of 10, another person's behavior or mood is not your fault or even your responsibility (this is just my own opinion).
I know you don't want to take things personally but it's just the way our brains are wired. But it's time to break free of this self-imposed prison and find joy and happiness in not taking things personally.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- The number one secret to stop taking things personal.
- Tools to use in daily life when you notice you're taking things personally.
- About how I broke free of this cycle.
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