Alissa standing confidently in a desert landscape

1. How I Turned My Sensitivity Into A Strength (My HSP Story) | The Sensitive & Soulful Show

highly sensitive hsp podcast self worth Sep 27, 2021
Welcome to the very first episode of the Sensitive & Soulful Show! I'm your host, Alissa Boyer - a spiritual writer, founder of the Highly Sensitive & Soulful Membership, and mentor to Highly Sensitive People (HSP). My mission in life is to help other highly sensitive souls learn how to embrace their sensitivity as a gift and lean into it instead of fighting against it.

In this episode, I talk about my own personal journey to discovering I'm an HSP and how I've turned it into my ultimate super power which has allowed me to now help thousands of others do the same! The world is a better place when more sensitive and deep-feeling people are comfortable and confident in their skin.

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