Last month, I brought in $17,519 of revenue into my business.
This was the highest sales month I’ve had in my business since giving birth to my daughter 15-months ago. Since becoming a mom, I’ve averaged between $7,000-$12,000 in sales per month.
The coolest part, though?
The sales felt effortless. Fun. Experimental. Playful. Intuitive.
Like, when I checked my numbers… I was actually shocked to see it was the highest month I’d had in a while because it all felt so fun.
The other crazy thing?
I had less support than ever.
In the month of August, we lost help from our nanny so I’ve been operating on about 15-20 hours of work per week between help from my mom and squeezing in work during Blaine’s naps.
What this has taught me?
MORE hours of working does NOT = better
Focused work, intuitive work, knowing what to ACTUALLY prioritize in your business = better
And for my fellow HSP entrepreneurs… this is great news.
Because we have more limited energy, so working ourselves to the bone is NEVER going to be the vibe for us.
In the Sensitive & Soulful SALES Masterclass, I’m sharing EXACTLY what I did to have a $17,519 month while working about 15-20 hours per week… without doing a big, huge launch.
In this masterclass, I’ll be covering…
- The exact breakdown of WHERE the sales came from
- HOW I’ve created steady, monthly recurring revenue in my business
- Exactly WHAT I focus on every day to actually move the needle forward (AKA what I’m doing FIRST as soon as my daughter is down for her nap!)
- The beliefs and mindset shifts I anchored in EVERY DAY that made this month so profitable in such an easy way
This masterclass will be taking place live on Zoom on Monday, Sept 18th @ 11 AM PST. The replay will be emailed after. :)